He's Just so cool... Is he emoing??? LOL...
I'm a girl. Lol, how i wish GM will have a gender changer. So I can be a real MAN! Hai, cause that was my 1st account.
When you really cannot do the stuffs you used to do, you missed it and the time you had it become such blessed. Comparing to none, little is more then enough...

Sun rises, moon sets. I woke up in a special way today. Normally i will flip around before i really wake up. But today, my mother 'slap' me 'whack' me 'psycho' me UP! "Faster wake up, the laksa cold le will not be nice". I think i was under those stuff for 5 mins until i really wake up. Wash up and pee, brush teeth.
Okay, i waste my whole day in maple trying to commit suicide. Btw! I'm back to maple =X. Lol, can't imagine i said those who play maple are stupid. And now myself is playing... Okay la... I wasted money on a baby dragon x.x LOL...
When you really cannot do the stuffs you used to do, you missed it and the time you had it become such blessed. Comparing to none, little is more then enough...