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Life with a PURPOSE

Thursday, November 29, 2007

posted by Chao Yi @ 8:11 PM  

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


posted by Chao Yi @ 9:07 PM  
yesh! It's back =D

I walked in the rain for it.
I missed walking in the rain.
Even thought it's always been raining non - stop.
I was handicapped ever since i over the limit of myself.
I was lame finally!!!
Can't even walk properly...
PAIN ACHE PAIN! BUt i know, it's a good sign.

Tml Soil science test.
Will i make it through?
And one worrying about Friday should i go tracks or the adventure seeker =.=
Why am i worrying about these and not MY EXAM! >=(

Take charge...

One phrase that brings me through...
" If you loved her, seeing her smile is enough... "

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

posted by Chao Yi @ 7:50 PM  
should i even have the right to feel this way...

I had track yesterday. WU!
Finally joined track!
I chiong too much and I got my 2 legs cramped.

Is there such thing as friend?
Or i should say, is there such thing as true friend?
What the difference to be a stranger and someone people called "friend".
Isn't it just so empty.
You might just say hi to a stranger and you will only just say hi to a "friend" too.
So whats make the difference.
When you are people are true you just might treat it as a junk from somewhere.
What is this?!? >=(
(something that i thought, not saying anyone)

Saturday, November 24, 2007


posted by Chao Yi @ 7:46 PM  
Yesh, i went to help out for the parent's semiar.
I was quite fun and yesh it does boost my bravery.
No more shy shy XD

Went with YQ, Yilin, Hui lin and Drum. I was abit extra if you understand =X
Went for the movie 'Hero' ended up "ENCHANTED"
I knew, i was planned that i am suppose to watch Enchanted then Hero.
Enchanted is highly recommended.
Call me if you all watching again =D
How long will this fairytale last i wonder?

When will my true love appear =X?

If you were there....

Friday, November 23, 2007

No laptop for 4 days

posted by Chao Yi @ 1:50 PM  
My laptop going "holiday" (service) for 4 days =X till Tuesday.
Wouldn't get online for 4 days-.-''
Byebye, all the best.

Monday, November 19, 2007

posted by Chao Yi @ 8:53 PM  
haha, no money =X so i gave you a drawn BIG BEAR.you can print it out to hug =X
ken ken mei

Hope you will have a wonderful year ahead =D
Shine and be salty for God =D

Saturday, November 17, 2007

posted by Chao Yi @ 9:32 PM  
Beef Ho Fan
Jurong Fishery Port



Run away fish

Sun Rise

Sun Rise

Sun rise


posted by Chao Yi @ 9:17 PM  
OTOT = outrageous TPYM overnight tour
I WAS LATE! should be at church by 9.30 but i reached at 9.45 =X
Kkz, and goes the tour.
This tour is to introduced Singapore during night time.
1st stop: Fort canning
LOL, it was dark and more dark XD
We were told not to talk to stranger and keep our volume low. (cause there is couple dating)
The Clark key from the hill top is the best. =D Bright lights.
We are the light of the world. Spread the light.
2nd stop: Supper at Geylang
We had beef ho fan.
It was delicious and spicy. Even without adding chilli.
Zai, crapped alot with wei feng gan si.
Cause he wanted the leftover beef ho fan.
So we play zhong ji mi ma.
Then i said, the number ranged from 1~3.
Of cause is 2. Then he ate it =D
Kendra's mother is like WAHAHAHAHA.
3rd stop: Raffles Place.
It was told to be the busiest area in Singapore.
But we were at there in the night with no ppl=D
Cool air, SHIOK!
4th stop: Jurong fishery port
Haha, the fish there is zai la.
There were alot of people. We found out that, those people there is so hardworking.
Early in the morning, they started selling fish to the fish mongers.
Last stop: ECP
Sunrise with YMers
Hai, dunno what to say sia.

Friday, November 16, 2007

posted by Chao Yi @ 5:39 PM  
Smiled brighty X2
maybe coz is a shy smile which meant for others?

but why i felt this way and not the another =X
OTOT later at night.
I going to be group leader! OMG!!! =X
Btw, yesterday was worship prac.
At santuary =D. 1st time used the santuary sound baord =D
Cool... =D

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

posted by Chao Yi @ 11:02 PM  

Monday, November 12, 2007


posted by Chao Yi @ 11:21 PM  
Teoh Chao Yi, your Emotional IQ is 111. (lol, my block number)

Research has shown that people with high emotional intelligence scores — not necessarily those with the highest IQ scores — tend to be the most valued and productive employees and have the longest and happiest romantic relationships.

So, where are you most emotionally smart? Your test results show that your strongest suit is expression — how much you allow yourself to feel and to express your own emotions.

linky: http://web.tickle.com/tests/eiq/

Sunday, November 11, 2007

To shi fu

posted by Chao Yi @ 9:15 AM  
Shi fu! you will always be my shi fu =D
Haha, how can tu di become a shi fu.
I think my IQ was slightly higher because I was under your training =D
Shi fu, IQ doesn't means anything.
EQ is more important =D

Saturday with "Stranger"

posted by Chao Yi @ 9:01 AM  
Maple chionging 3rd day ended yesterday.
And YES! I reached level 102.
I entered the 3 digit world and i was able to hold my blade staff -.-''
Blade staff = 100m -.-''

Erm, i went out with my maple mei and maple di.
But maple di PS us, so left my maple mei -.-''
This is the 1st time i met out with a "stranger".
We had movie at Plaza Sing and i think it was the 1st time i was there.
The shopping centre is big la.
I think there's about 6-7 storeys ba.
Playing hide and seek there will be better than vivo i think XD
Mei was late, so i went to buy the movie ticket for the BEE MOVIE.
Then went for lunch with me eating only.
I was quiet and so does she.
When i finish my lunch it was still early.
So i went to PC BUNK! 1st time being there even thought i was a mapler -.-''
Btw, PC BUNK is a lan shop for those Asia soft games.
Prenium package for those who play maple there =D
But mei was playing and i wasn't.
Btw, i think a was being scam while walking to PC bunk.
Someone ask us to 'donate' one dollar each for the 2 dollar pen -.-''
SCAMMER >=( In the end, i "donated" 3 dollars cause no change and mei "donated" 2 dollars -.-
That's why i hate going out =X
Okay, watched the bee movie, laugh here and there.
While I was walking out, the popcorn pour out.
YESH! NO! HAHA, we left the popcorn there cause there's still alot left.
We self deceieve by saying we finished the popcorn.
Mei, give me a red warpped chocolate. Picture will be updated soon.
I saw XIAO HO on the way home with his wife and children XD
Home sweet home =D

Friday, November 09, 2007

Normal or adnormal =X

posted by Chao Yi @ 4:53 PM  
Was I normal or adnormal today?
I wasn't sure...
Maybe i have overdone it...
Have you notice me?
I tried to convert my emotions to annoyment =X

Haha, here's the link to the 40 questions IQ questions:
I am noraml 120 =D
Shi Fu, i want to know yours. (and someone else)

Some simple discribitions: (the full version need to pay =X)
Congratulations, Teoh Chao Yi!Your IQ score is 120
Your Intellectual Type is Visual Mathematician. This means you are gifted at spotting patterns — both in pictures and in numbers. These talents combined with your overall high intelligence make you good at understanding the big picture, which is why people trust your instincts and turn to you for direction — especially in the workplace. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results.

Here's the link:

Monday, November 05, 2007

new fav. phrase

posted by Chao Yi @ 3:11 PM  

Updating post.

posted by Chao Yi @ 4:09 AM  
Btw, i went to swimming after church.
Enter the woodlands new swimming complex.
It the new renovated one.
It was chlorided la =X
However, it's new =D
Guess who we saw? STEFFANIE HO! (where is audrey yee arh?) lolx

I was blessed. Really.
Even in maple i was blessed... =D
Thank you God =D

Sunday, November 04, 2007


posted by Chao Yi @ 11:09 PM  
Early in the morning wake up.
Went for church.

SUNDAY SCHOOL. Sunday school teacher brought his son along.

Sermon today was quiet motivating.
Is about perservance.
I learned a new chen yu, "xiao bu ren, da zi guo" or something like that.
It means, you lost your temper for small stuff and you will cause chaos in those big stuff.
And i gone through that.
I finally know the true meaning of that.
Perservance... CHIM...

lalalalalalala ELMO's WORLD!!! =D

when problems come, perservance and look back to God for help =D
Don't use anger to tackle the problem! CHAO YI MUST REMEMBER!

Forever by Plus One

posted by Chao Yi @ 9:05 AM  

I lost you in the darkness
When I fell from the light
I held on to the world too tight
I thought I'd never find you
Thought I'd be alone
But you took my hand and
led me home

Now I know
I know that
You'll always be
Where I go

Forever is a long time
To be without you in my life
I wanna keep you by my side
'Cuz forever is a long time

You have faith when I'm faithless
Strength when I don't
You believe in me even when I won't
You are patient, you are true
Your love is what gets me through

[Repeat Channel and Chorus]

Friday, November 02, 2007

O.O =X x.x =/

posted by Chao Yi @ 6:37 PM  
oN: Individual and The Community (IS module in NP)
erM, had an online personality test.
I was give a 4 letter word for my personlity. waHA..
ISFP: Introvert Sensors Feelers Perceiver
Some discribitions on this personality:

People of this type tend to be: kind, humble, and highly empathetic; thoughtful, faithful, and affectionate with those they know well; sensitive to criticism and easily hurt; quiet, soft-spoken, and gentle; adaptable, responsive, and curious; realistic and down to earth.
The most important thing to ISFPs is feeling peaceful and harmonious with the people and places that matter most to them.

http://www.personalitytype.com/quiz.asp (link to the personality test)

oN: flower arrangement lesson
2nd lesson for this module.
As lousy as ever. Got another 'C'.
I just sux in flower arrangement la.
Felt so noob x.x

Somehow, someway I just felt that you are feeling that way =X
it's back =X

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