I love exploring arts and design.
The lecturer is encouraging and depthy.
I am able to express my feelings myself through art.
Is messy and ununderstandable.
I don't know should I be glad or worried about knowing stuffs.
Last time i knew some stuffs and i took things for granted.
I don't wish the same thing to happen again.
Once again, i went to my friend.
He told me alot, and things that what i should do.
Even is finding my own way to do it, it's still like something i learnt from him.
A summary I got, my own interpretion:
Forget your feelings, focus on God and becoming a better person by building my character.Maybe it hurts more to give wrong ideas, and false hope.
Maybe knowing the one that's beside you is thinking of someone else. it hurts.
But isn't it nice to see the someone be with the one he/she thinking to be happily together.
Isn't this is what everything things was all about.
I don't want to push to force someone to feel.
It will make situtation worst.
Worst is regreting hurting the one, and neglecting God.
I will work on myself, let's give each other time to sort out stuffs.
I believe, everything will be fine if we place them at God's hands.
I know i can't control, that why i shouldn't get hold of it.
I will keep it in a drawer.
When it's time to take out, i will take out.
I don't want to regret, i don't wanna mess and hurt others.
I want to make myself worthy.
If one day, i left you. Can you whisper to me and call me back.
Maybe all i wanted is you calling me back...
I'll still be there.
Waiting for you to call me back...